Francesca Michielin

The Italian song writer and singer Francesca Michielin is a connoisseur of many things: Red Hot Chili Peppers, hummus, Formula 1 and much more. In Vevo’s “The world according to” series she discusses some of her daily habits, including her relationship with cars and…chickpeas. 

When we were asked to produce this animation for VEVO, the video hosting channel, we were given full control over the creativity and this made possible to translate anything Francesca said into fun gags.

The great team at VEVO London gave us a lot of space to have fun and experiment with, and this shaped the whole work.


Creative and animation director
Riccardo Albertini
Loris F. Alessandria, Davide Pagliardini
Marco de Vecchi, Riccardo Albertini, Andrea Fantechi, Giosuè Borsini
Sound Design
Oscar Soundproof Rydelius
Production management

the world according to